Tutoring 101 - How To Get Started!

Written by SiSTEM Tutoring | Jan 24, 2023 5:14:18 PM

Prepare for your tutoring session

As a tutor, it's important to come prepared and organized for each tutoring session. By staying organized, you’ll save time, stay focused on student needs, and better manage your workload. Here are some helpful tips to ensure that every tutoring session is tailored to the student’s individual learning style.

Staying organized

There are many different approaches you can take to staying organized as a tutor, and it’s important to find the system that works best for you individually to track student progress and milestones. For example, you may wish to use an organized folder or files on your computer to store any notes you may take during tutoring sessions. Another important part of staying organized is reviewing the student’s past performance before each tutoring session. This helps you assess their learning needs and create a plan for how to best address those needs. Finally, communication between yourself, the student, and their parents is essential for organization as a tutor. By staying in contact with everyone involved, you will be able to ensure that the student is making progress and staying on track.

Tutoring must-have supplies

As a tutor, organization is key to providing the best tutoring services possible. Having the right supplies not only helps you stay organized, but also helps create an effective teaching environment for your students. So, what exactly do you need to have on hand? Here are some of our must-haves for successful tutoring sessions:

  • Writing utensils (pencils, erasers, pens, etc.)

  • Notepads and paper

  • Calendar or scheduling tool

  • Whiteboard and markers

  • Reference materials

Without these supplies, it can be difficult to provide a high-quality learning experience for your students. Setting yourself up for success with the right supplies enables you to provide the best tutoring services while keeping yourself organized.

Self-care for tutors

As a tutor, it’s important to take care of your own wellbeing. Self-care is not only vital for your mental and physical health, but it also helps you to be more productive and efficient with your students. Here are some self-care tips that tutors can use to improve their wellbeing:

  • Manage your time effectively. Setting up a schedule, creating lists of tasks, and taking breaks when needed can help you stay organized and on track without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Take care of your physical health. Eating healthy, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep are all essential for your wellbeing. Additionally, if you’re feeling run down or stressed out, it may be helpful to consult with a healthcare professional.
  • Connect with other tutors. Building relationships with other tutors can provide you with emotional support and keep you motivated.
  • Practice self-compassion. It’s easy to be critical of yourself, so make sure you remember to extend kindness and compassion towards yourself too.

Join the team!

We hope this article helps you feel better about organizing and preparing for your next tutoring session. If you are looking for extra support or interested in taking on clients of your own, contact SiSTEM Tutoring today!