Create a Student Study Routine for Success

Written by SiSTEM Tutoring | Jan 22, 2023 9:09:17 PM

When it comes to cultivating student success outside of the classroom, it's all about creating a healthy and sustainable routine! Believe it or not, there is an art to studying. To make the most out of your session, it is important to create a plan of attack and stick to the routine you have outlined. This will help you maximize your time as a tutor while also encouraging the student to make their own routine for when they are studying independently. In this article, we will take a peek into how best to create a study routine to foster success. 

Use Goal Setting

The best way to ensure that you are meeting the mark is to use goal setting when creating a study plan. This way, you will be able to measure the amount of effort you are putting into study sessions with the success you are seeing as a result. If you do not set goals for yourself, it will be nearly impossible to measure your success and effectiveness. Being able to see whether or not you are hitting your goals will help you know what is working in your study routine, and what is not. 

Complete Challenging Tasks First

Make it a goal to complete challenging tasks first when sitting down to study or do homework. By completing the challenging tasks first, you will be getting them out of the way and using your brain power when it is at its strongest. It might seem easier to dive into your study session by completing simple tasks first, before moving on to the challenging tasks. However, this can lead to fatigue and procrastination as you put off more challenging tasks towards the end. 

Keep Location & Time Consistent

Creating a successful study routine isn't only about sticking to completing the same kinds of work in the same order. You also want to consider keeping your study location the same for each of your homework sessions. This will help you subconsciously train your brain to associate the space you choose with focusing and getting to work. You might also consider playing around with a few different times of day, to see when you do your best work. For example, if you do your best work in the morning, you will want to have all of your homework and study sessions at the beginning of the day. For those who work better in the afternoons and evenings, saving study sessions for after school might be the best option. 

Cater Towards Individual Learning Style 

As you learn what works best for yourself as a student or for your clients as a tutor, it is important to treat every learning as a gift. Each and every student has a different journey to success, and it is important to cater to that individual learning style for the best results. Success is not a one-size that's all approach, so it's important not to treat it as such! 

We hope this article helped you better understand how to create a productive student study session that will be a recipe for success. If you are looking for extra support outside of the classroom or interested in taking on clients of your own, contact SiSTEM Tutoring today!